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Rob Hanna

Immigration Law: A Hot Topic – Skylar McKeith – S5E35

This week on the Legally Speaking Podcast, our host Robert Hanna is excited to welcomes Immigration Law Solicitor, Skylar McKeith (and yes, she is the daughter of I’m A Celeb contestant, Gillian McKeith)! Skylar McKeith graduated from BPP Law School in 2015 and completed her Legal Practice Course, with a distinction, at the University of Westminster. Skylar has experience as a Congressional Intern, at the US House of Representatives. She is a board member and spokesperson, liaising with government officials, including US Representatives and Senators. Skylar trained as

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Rob Hanna

Why Law Firms Should Invest in a Social Proof Strategy – Guest Blog with Glenn Reid

Glenn Reid is a legal marketing consultant over at Reid & Partners, offering expert niche advice and services to law firms in the UK and Ireland. This week, he wrote a handy article on social strategy for law firms and happily allowed the Legally Speaking Podcast to share his thoughts on our blog! You can learn more about Glenn and his business over at! — ”The legal sector is highly competitive and one of the biggest marketing challenges faced

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Season 5
Rob Hanna

How Social Audio Increases Accessibility to Mentorship – Dayo Akinrinade – S5EP23

How is the social audio industry taking mentorship by storm? Well, social audio app ‘Wisdom’ is showing you how! This week on the Legally Speaking Podcast, our host Robert Hanna welcomes Dayo Akinrinade, Founder of Wisdom. As well as being a successful business owner, Dayo aspires to fill diversity gaps, having been recognised as representing her passions by joining the founding team of OneTech and Africlick, a cultural dating app targeting 1 billion Africans globally. On top of that, in 2019 Dayo was named in the Financial

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