Strategy & Concept Development
Want to start a podcast but you’re not sure how? We’re here to help.
We can help with everything from creating a podcast concept to suit your firm perfectly, to what equipment you need to record your podcast.
Together, we will create a strategy for your podcast including;
- What to name your new podcast
- How to brand your podcast
- Regularity of episodes
- What equipment you will need
- How you will structure & format your podcast
- What topics you can discuss
- The length of your episodes
- Who will host your podcast
Why Should You Start a Podcast?
Have you ever stopped to consider how much time you spend browsing a single website versus the time you spend listening to a single podcast? Our guess is you probably spend significantly longer listening to a single podcast episode – and your clients will do too!
Starting a podcast can do wonders for your business. It provides you with a fantastic business development tool, it gives you a platform to demonstrate your expertise and above all, it allows you to stand out from your competitors.
Podcasting is still a relatively new platform. Whilst with other forms of media you can easily buy followers and grow your platform to whichever size you choose if you have the right budget, podcasting simply doesn’t work that way. Podcasts take time to grow an audience, but that audience will be far more loyal than any other following on social media.
Why Your Firm Should Have a Podcast:
#1 – Increased traffic generation
Podcasting can help you reach new audiences that may not have heard of your firm before – meaning new clients and more business!
It also provides a new medium and can thus increase your SEO – meaning your business may begin to rank higher on Google and leading to increased traffic on your website.
#2 – Podcasts are fantastic for Business Development (BD)
Have you got a prospect you are desperate to turn into a client but just can’t think of a new angle? Do you struggle to find new news to share with clients to maintain your relationship?
A podcast is the perfect solution. You can share interesting episodes as news and to create conversation. You can invite prospects on as guests, which may turn them into clients. Most people can’t resist the chance to feature on a podcast, making it an excellent way to draw in prospective clients.
There are so many angles you can use when you have a podcast and having one will differentiate you from competitors.
#3 – It will expand your network
80% of podcast listeners listen to an entire episode. People that listen to podcasts are already interested in your topic and will likely engage with your podcast regularly if you provide regular content. Podcasting is more personal than other forms of media and people are likely to reach out to you off the back of your podcast.
If you then market your podcast on social media, you will get engagement from listeners too – spreading the word about your podcast and your firm! People want to know who you are before doing business with you, so having a podcast is a great way for people to get to know you & your firm.
#4 – Become seen as Market Experts
Why should someone choose your firm to represent them instead of another? Because you are an expert. But how can you demonstrate this? Through a podcast of course! You can discuss your market insights around current topics to demonstrate to listeners that you know what you’re doing. Hearing you speak confidently about an area of law they require services in will help them trust you more. In turn, you may win more business.
You could become a top Thought Leader in your practice area, allowing you to associate yourself with other credible industry leaders.
#5 – Podcasting can save time
Do you and your team spend hours creating in-depth articles and white papers? Podcasts can be created recorded in half the time it takes to research for a white paper – let alone write it! We appreciate that everything is done by the billable hour, so time is precious. So why not create content in half the time? Utilising an editing & production team to do the work for you can expedite this process even more.
It also allows you to scale your ideas. There is only so much time in the day and whilst it would be great to have numerous conversations about different topics, it is so much faster to send someone a podcast episode of you already discussing that issue!
What We Offer
- Strategy & Concept Development
- Editing & Production
- Waveforms & Video Trailers
- Hosting & Distribution

Editing & Production
Podcast editing is arguably the hardest part of podcasting. Especially if you want a slick, clean podcast without any ‘ums’ or ‘ahs’. Podcast editing can also be relatively time-consuming – which is why we can do it for you!
We appreciate that in law every hour is billable, so we can do all of the post-production work for you. We work to ensure that every pop, hiss or reverb disappears from your podcast – making it sound as flawless & professional as possible.
Our packages include different levels of podcast editing, from basic that includes mixing & mastering, removing background noise and including an intro; to professional which will remove any long gaps, stutters, ‘ums’ and background noise to make you sound as perfect as possible.

Waveforms & Video Trailers
Want to market your podcast with a slick waveform or video but simply don’t have the time to produce something? Our post-production team will create slick waveforms & video trailers for you to use in your marketing materials or on your website. Helping you increase your brand recognition and ensuring you look like podcast experts.
Hosting & Distribution
Want your podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google and all the other top podcasting platforms? We’ve got you covered.
Navigating through the many different podcasting platforms can be a real challenge. Poor accessibility to a podcast is the main reason may podcasts fail to get the recognition they deserve! We know how to get your podcast on the likes of Apple, Google and Spotify. All we need is your RSS feed!
We can ensure your podcast goes out to all of the relevant platforms as & when it needs to.
Why Choose Us?
Quite simply: we know lawyers & law firms.
We understand the challenges law firms face and how competitive the legal market is.
We also have the benefit of our own podcast, the Legally Speaking Podcast. Our podcast is in the Top 100 Apple Careers Podcasts in the UK and boasts listeners in over 100 countries and 1500 cities.
In addition, we offer law firms & lawyers:
- Legally Speaking Podcast Guest Appearances
- Organise a wide range of Networking Webinars/Seminars
- Personal & Corporate Branding & Media Services
- CV Templates/Reviews & Interview (including Video) Training
- Exclusive Events with our Legal Society Group Partnerships
- Careers Guidance & Coaching
- Legal Content (e.g. Articles, Blogs, Videos, Vlogs & Market Research)
- Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
- Philanthropy