
Suicide Survivor – Lewis Alexander Baxter – S2E1

We are starting Season 2 with a very important topic: mental health.

This week, Rob is joined by Lewis Alexander Baxter, a Non-Executive Director, Public Speaker, Radio Presenter, aspiring legal professional and the Founder of The Blurred Line Group. Lewis talks about his own personal journey with mental health, and how this inspired him to create The Blurred Line Group – the UK’s first funding hub for mental health charities, projects and organizations across the UK.

Lewis is also the Founder of Chit-Chat, which aims to connect the nation through conversation, and combat loneliness.


Rob Hanna: Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast powered by Kissoon Carr. This week, I’m delighted to be joined by Lewis Alexander Baxter, who is a 21 year old Founder and CEO of the Blurred Line Group, the UK’s first funding hub for local mental health charities and community projects. It doesn’t stop there, he is also a Non-Executive Director, Public Speaker and Radio Presenter. So welcome, Lewis.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Thank you very much for having me.  

Rob Hanna: Lewis, you’re probably aware, as a follower of the podcast, our customary open question is about Suits.  

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely.  

Rob Hanna: And how you would rate on the scale of 1 to 10. From what you know of the legal world thus far, what would you give it out of 10?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: I‘m gonna go for a 1 because I’ve never seen it. But I’ve been told that if you want to be a lawyer Lewis ,you don’t aim to be like the lawyers off Suits. So I would say 1 for that question.

Rob Hanna: Fair enough. And I think actually, the more and more we’ve been through our first season, I think the score is gently notching down lower than, it started at 10. It’s sort of navigating itself down to probably 1 or 2. I must say it’s an absolute pleasure having you on. I think you’re one of the most inspirational, and I should just point out Lewis is only 21 years of age, and from what he’s achieved and done and trying to do,  it is immensely powerful. So it really is a pleasure to have you on today. 

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Thank you very much.

Rob Hanna: So, thank you for joining us. So it may sound bizarre at such a young age, but it would be great to sort of know more about you and sort of give a bit more of a flavour of your background. So did you want to tell our listeners a bit more about you?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yeah absolutely. So I’m a second year law student at Durham University, and which keeps me busy I have to say, doing, doing any degree, but a law degree is particularly challenging. But in 2015/16 after doing my GCSEs and doing doing pretty well. I struggled with depression and had a big battle with depression for just under a year. I had to defer my studies from A Levels. But after I got the help and support I need, I sort of started a new Sixth Form, got the A levels I needed to get into Durham and I suppose the rest is history. But it took me a long time to speak up about my mental health from a personal level and share with family and friends. And it took me to the brink, I suppose to actually finally speak up. So I took a walk that I take many times before in in rural Lincolnshire. Yeah, and on that walk, it wasn’t good. I had the intentions, to end my own life, to be honest. And to end it all and, the suffering that I had been suffering from for, for many months. But fortunately, I got talked down after many hours with emergency services and people, loved ones around me. I managed to get the support I needed to build on from there and fast forward, started life a Durham just over 18 months ago. And I’ve loved every minute of it, had some struggles, obviously trying to do the degree and launch The Blurred Line Group. But slowly but surely, starting to, starting to see progress. I mean, there’s some fantastic work going on across the country in terms of mental health, you know, more mental health awareness going on now than ever before. But what we’re not seeing is the statistics reducing the suicide rate, reducing the number of young people,  looking for  Children and adolescents mental health support. So the statistics are really, really high still for people with mental health conditions and I want to not only give support to the people who have those mental health conditions, whether it be depression, whether it be anxiety or PTSD, whatever it is, but also support the charities that give those people that vital support. So at The Blurred Line Group, we provide that, helping hand to charities, we’re the UK’s first funding hub, as you say, and we provide grants and mentorship to schemes, initiatives, projects across the UK. And usually the ones that are quite small as well, the grassroots ones that don’t have those big advertising and social media budgets that people may not have heard of. And we support those little ones to help them blossom, help them increase their capacity, help them help more people on. That’s our sole aim, really, to help those grassroots organisations.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, I know one thing you’re very passionate about, as you say, is, there is a lot out there in terms of mental health at the moment.  I think education and you know people are starting to, you know, talk more, which is great. But for The Blurred Line Group, you really do want to kind of make the message clear that you are different in the sense of your offering, and that’s a real benefit to your audiences, right?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely. And we’re in a very, very early stage, as an organisation.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, how long have you been going? 18 months?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yeah it’s 18 months, but in this sort of new brand, it’s been only a couple of months. We did our launch in London that you guys came along to, which is fantastic, in September.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah. 

Lewis Alexander Baxter: So as this new organisation with a new team that we’re forming, it’s been a couple of months. But you’re right, there’s a lot of awareness going on. There’s a lot of speaking and reducing the stigma attached to mental health. But like I said, I think that real action getting people the support they need is is still lacking. This still people hundreds, thousands of people on waiting lists trying to get support, and if we can just help the project, help someone. Then we’ve done our job.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah, And I know you have aspirations, obviously, to be a to be a lawyer yourself. And, you know, most, most people listening in are obviously lawyers, but more broadly. And, you know, it can be quite a stressful job at times. You know, lawyers and law firms, they’re under pressure from clients. You know, there’s lots of demands on them and, you know, mental health is becoming more and more of a thing. So what would you say to those people? How can people hear about The Blurred Line Group? How can people get involved? How can they use your, your sort of charity and society, to sort of look for support?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: So one of the things next year that we’re trying to launch is once we’ve worked with businesses after a couple of months, once we’ve done a few of our events and we’ve got these pots of money.  We want to help projects or people who want to start a project that might be in their workplace or might be in their university or school and that gets that project off the ground. So it might be sort of a workplace chat or mentorship scheme, or it might be a coffee club, whatever it might be. All about wellbeing, physical and mental. And that’s what people can do, adopt those positive practises in the workplace to help people with their mental health. And I think, key, you mentioned the legal profession. It is probably one of the worst professions there is in terms of mental health and support. Great big firms, US and UK firms are making great headway in terms of supporting their employees with mental health. But as I say to recruiters at law firms, more needs to be done.  

Rob Hanna: Yep.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: And if I can play my part and support both employees, graduate trainees, staff at at law firms, then that will be great. And I have spoken at law firms and more, more regionally in the Northwest, and I’m open to doing that here in London as well, because I think hearing from a young person that has had a battle with depression and also a person that is looking to enter the legal profession, I think it’s really important. And for people that are coming into the profession, whether that is, a trainee, LPC, GDL students or indeed university. I think what is important is you can look after your mental health and have a law career. And that’s what I want to make clear.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, and I think the other point to mention is The Blurred Line Group is very inclusive. So if people, you know, in the legal profession may be listening to this, you know, maybe partners or, you know, general counsels or even just associates or lawyers, you know, and they think actually, you know, I really want to help. Then that’s something you’re very receptive and open to. I know your sector agnostic, particularly in the legal sector as well, right?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely. Yeah, That’s the thing and what is a great point about The Blurred Line Group is that all the money that comes to us, we work with other projects and we’re redistributing that money from day one. So, for example, if we partner with law firms or associates or partners here in London, you know, we’d be getting that money distributed to local grassroots projects. Those projects that no one’s heard of those projects that don’t have a constitution, don’t have a trustee board, aren’t registered charities and struggle to access funding. That’s what The Blurred Line Group does, is support those small organisations. And if you ask many people that have had a mental health condition, it’s very unlikely that they will say they’ve had mental health support off a big national mental health organisation, it’s likely they’ve had it from a small independent grassroots organisation and they’re the ones we want to support. So I think I’m always open for conversations and especially in the legal sector, being a being a prospective lawyer myself.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah, good for you. You mentioned it there, you’ve spoken at various law firms. But you are, you know, you’re very well known, people who follow your social media and what you’re doing on your journey, you’ve achieved so much already. So congratulations for that. But do you want to talk about some of your public speaking?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yes, thank you very much for your kind words, firstly.  Public speaking has always been something that I’ve really enjoyed. It was one of the things that radio presenting actually, was something I did on the recovery from depression. Just as something to focus on and take my mind away from the stress of life and that sort of developed now into sharing my story in terms of mental health on a platform. Whether that be at universities across the UK, I spoke at FTSE companies to their full team, have spoken at wellbeing conferences and also small, small teams just about positive practises in the workplace. Next year, I’m looking to do that as well in 2020. My sort of speaking slots tend to go quite quick only because I’ve got very minimal, trying to do what I do, I’ve probably only got one or two a month, and that I can do next year. What I’m looking to do is combine that with The Blurred Line Group. So if I partner with a business, for example, as part of that package of their supporters might be a workplace presentation, might be a workplace speech, something like that. So, yeah, I love it. I think it’s really important to encourage people. And if someone resonates from from my story, then that’s even better.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, what’s been some of the feedback you’ve had from those sort of public speaking engagements and what have you found sort of intrinsically, you know, because you know, what have you got from that? And what do you think are some of the themes that you need to be sort of keeping educating people on?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: I think it’s so cathartic, I think that’s the key thing. That sharing my story genuinely makes my journey and my recovery far quicker. Because I can share the struggles that I had and seeing the audience reacting in the varying ways.  We’ve got tears, we’ve got sometimes laughing.  

Rob Hanna: Mm.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Sometimes people do not know how to deal with it. And actually I spoke at a school in a very deprived area in the northwest. And I spoke to the students and quite a lot, were, laughing after the first one or two minutes of me talking, about mentioning suicide, they thought this is a laughing matter. These kids are 14, 13, 12 years old. By the end, it was silent. You could have heard a pin drop and that’s the impact I want to try and make. That no matter what your background, what your beliefs are,  where you come from, mental health can affect you, and it will affect you if you don’t get the right support. And just seeing some of those youngsters come up to me from really struggling backgrounds and struggling to, you know, for example, using food banks. I know one kid was was talking about. And it’s really eye-opening and really upsetting. But for them to talk about it after, kid that laughed to a kid that came up to me at the end. That’s why I do it.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah, yeah, and that’s a very powerful message.  So thanks for sharing that. And again, you touched on it before, but radio presenting Ribble FM, if I’m not mistaken. And you know I’m a big fan of the Northwest, my wife’s from Lancashire, and I know that’s a good sort of Northwest accent coming through. But do you wanna tell a bit more about how you got involved with that and what you get up to?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely. So I’ve done that for about three and a so years now. I started that soon after my recovery. Started, Sixth Form, thought well let’s try and do radio presenting. And it was great. I have won a national award for it, for Young Presenter of the Year sponsored by BBC Local Radio. Have to get that in. And then I’ve sort of done outside broadcasts, I’ve done live events. And I-I prefer that part of it now if I’m honest with you.

Rob Hanna: Yeah.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: The sort of public speaking or the live events, rather than being sort of in the radio booth. But it was just something that I did that I’d never done before. That was part of my recovery from depression. And that’s what I urge people to do, when I do my speaking. You know, find something you’ve never done before, something that might interest you and give it a go! And three and a bit years later, I’m still in contact with Cath, who’s the Station Director at that radio station who’s a great support of The Blurred Line Group and me personally. And that relationship has blossomed from me, taking the plunge into radio presenting all those years ago.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, great stuff, great stuff. And I said again, at the top of the podcast, you know, you also get involved in a lot of non executive director postings and not-for-profit work. Do you want to talk a bit more about that?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yeah, yes, absolutely. One of the big sort of one my main drivers for 2020 is, obviously growing The Blurred Line Group and also supporting other young people on their journey in social entrepreneurship. So youngsters that are not just setting up, you know cos for the for as a business, but companies that make real social change. And I’m here in London and today meeting with two of the young people who are setting up their own foundations and own organisations from Environmental Protection Organisation to another mental health organisation. And you know, youth boards, trustee boards, management boards of charities are very underrepresented in terms of young people and that’s something that needs to change. I won’t mention names for various legal reasons. There are national boards of national young people’s charities who do not have young people on the board. And for me, that’s really eye opening, really, where a charity organisation tries to make a difference to young people in their lives but don’t have any young people represented on their board. So if I can help any youngsters set up their own social enterprises, then that’s what you know, that’s what I’ll try and do. Especially next year, using the skills that I’ve had in terms of my fairly new journey with The Blurred Line Group and give them the words of wisdom or any failures that I I found along the way.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, great stuff. And if you were to give tips to people you know, you’ve talked about your battle with depression in which, you know, thank you for sharing that. What have you sort of incorporated in day to day life, or what have you taken away that. do you know, I want to share that, that really helped me get through that. Is there any sort of tangibles you would give? I know you mentioned there was the emergency services and they were helpful. But is there anything, sort of little things day to day, that maybe have helped you as part of your recovery?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yeah, two big things I think. Firstly is, is no worry, no stress is too small. And I’m a big advocate of that. I don’t tell anyone, really, my private life I keep it very private as it is. But my mum especially, is someone that I will tell even the minor of struggles thatI’m facing. And just having that platform, someone to talk to, is so important. But I respect that some people don’t have those relationships with their family or friends so maybe seeking independent advice from the NHS or from a counsellor is really important. And I really stress that, you know, if you’ve had a bad experience with a counsellor or with various services; or go and try someone else. There’s lots of support out there. You know, come and come and ask The Blurred Line Group for help, we can sign post you key services across the UK.  But secondly, in terms of sort of day to day stuff, time management and journal taking is something that I do. Writing down what I want to achieve in this week or this month and set myself daily manageable chunks. And there’s some days that I just do a big cross in a red pen because my mental health isn’t great that day and I don’t do anything. Health really does come first. And I have days, I had a day about two weeks ago, and I remember vividly, where on a Sunday I thought I’m going to do nothing. I’m gonna sit in my pyjamas and do absolutely nothing. I had calls scheduled with people with The Blurred Line Group, and I just said mental health comes first.  And I’m a big advocate of that. I think that’s probably it in terms of advice.

Rob Hanna: And I think there’s some key, key points you’ve mentioned there. Particularly because some people might be listening and thinking, ‘Oh, it’s having this little thing but it’s really annoying me. I’m not going to talk to someone about that.’ But actually, if you let fester or it kind of plays on your mind, it might be a little thing. You know, talk about that, you know, really share that, because that will eventually help you sooner rather than later. I think I take away a point that, you know, nothing is too small to be talked about, right?  

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely.  

Rob Hanna: And as you say there, mental health generally, you’ve gotta put that first, and I think some people might be scared. It’s like, you know, I’ve got my work pressure, family pressure, I’ve got deadline pressure. And again that just kind of leads to the issue. So somehow people need to find a mechanism where they feel, do you know, this is the most important part of my life at the moment, in terms of getting my mental health straight, and they need to be able to speak up and feel like they’re in an environment where they  are able to do that as well. I think that’s the key point, isn’t it? If they feel like they’re in an environment where they’re not gonna be heard and it’s just like, you know well, we’ve just got to get on with it, that doesn’t necessarily help. That comes back to your point about educating organisations, educating more leaders, educating more people in charities and societies, right?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Completely agree and going back on what, what, you said that nothing mental health is often sidelined in that you have to be in a box, you have to have depression, you have to have anxiety. But actually I don’t know the precise percentage, but over 30% of male mental health struggles are due to finance. And that’s due to work pressure, not being able to put food on the table at the end of the week or struggling to afford that holiday that their partner wants. And actually getting support in the financial aspect, whether that’s with the Citizens Advice Bureau, a national organisation that provide financial support, independent and free. I think that is really important because if that snowballs, that little thing that might be a small financial issue may develop into a larger financial issue if you don’t get that support. So finding that medium to speak up about your mental health or finance struggles is really, really important.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, and you are a bit of a juggler. You know, you are juggling many, many things. So you’re also an inspiration, to  other students, right? I don’t know how you fit it all in, but did you want to sort of share maybe your tips to other students who want to be proactive and get to where you have at the age of 21?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Neither do I really.

Rob Hanna: [Laughter]

Lewis Alexander Baxter: And actually the hours, the hours, the hours per day just seem to get smaller and smaller and I have a lot less time for myself. I think it comes back to time management. It’s about looking, you know what I have to do with the various things that you do in your life, and then allocating time to it. And also looking at those bigger goals. To put it bluntly, I’m not a First candidate.  I don’t think I ever would be, I don’t think I ever will be. And that’s because of I have dyslexia, so that’s an educational sort of barrier. But also the fact that I want to do other things outside of the sort of law and studies, because it can be quite challenging. Although you have members of staff that have done a law degree. It’s challenging and time consuming and I think having these other things to do, escapisms is really important. So look at your long term goals. Look at your three year goals and think, ‘where do I want to be? How do I get there?’ Is spending 15 hours in the library every day, seven days a week, really going to get you there? Or can you look to become one of those whole rounded people with music or sport or charity work and pro bono work, coupled with the degree. And I’m a huge advocate of that actually. I think it’s so important to get more than just a degree from university because not everyone is purely academic. 

Rob Hanna: No and well said. I think the other thing is on that point as well, you’re always looking for ambassadors, particularly on sort of the university side of things as well, so if people want to get involved, they should definitely get in touch with you about that right?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely. One of our programmes for 2020 is launching in over 10 universities UK-wide. And that gives us a footprint across the UK but also allows students to become engaged in what we do. So we raise awareness on campuses. And also, importantly if we raise money on campus, let’s say we raise £1000 of a university here in London. We will reinvest that £1000 to start four projects at that university. Mental health projects, wellbeing projects, sports club that have that physical and mental health sort of link. And yeah, we’re always looking for young people. As I say, we want young people to be involved in our national board because young voices matter. But also in terms of ambassadors, because if you can commit a couple of hours per week, a couple hours per month to help our cause and you’re a young person or an older person, it doesn’t matter. We want to hear from you. We’ve recently had chats last week with people who want to support with marketing, events things like that. That’s great. We’re always open for sort of conversations with people.

Rob Hanna: And you’ve been, you know, well featured in national publications as well, and you know, you’re very much getting yourself out there to promote this. Do you want to talk a bit about that and sort of, how you got those opportunities?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yeah, absolutely. I think one of the things when I was first setting out with The Blurred Line Group, is I didn’t want to make it become about me.  

Rob Hanna: Yep.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: It’s very hard to sometimes when the reason why I set it up was because of my mental health struggles, and I wanted to give something back. So I thought, you know, working with Austin, who’s one of the team in The Blurred Line Group who focusses on sort of external relations, communication stuff. He just got in contact with the Guardian and said, this is the story. And they chose, actually wanted to go down the personal route, the legal angle as well. The fact a law student trying to juggle all these things. But yes, great to get recognition in the Guardian, I’ve had lots of local press as well back in the Northwest. We hope to have a lot more and get myself on panels and discussions and conferences. And also The Blurred Line Group gets, you know, get us out there as much as we can, because that’s what it’s all about really. 

Rob Hanna: Yeah, and as you mentioned before, I was at the launch of your your London event, which I thought was fantastic. It was great to see a number of sort of industry leaders sector-wide attending that. And that’s just the sort of tip of the iceberg really in terms of  where you guys going on your journey. And you said some pretty, pretty direct stats that alarmed me really about this is. And that’s why I was so keen, you know, as part of Legally Speaking to help educate and raise awareness and get you on. Do you want to sort of give some of those quite alarming statistics around mental health in our country, and you know, if things aren’t done, you know where things could potentially lead?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely and i’ve not rehearsed too many statistics. But the ones that stick out to me is, is firstly one of the, 1 in 4. That 1 in 4 of us will have a mental health condition. Now, I have always disagreed with that, and I’ve always said I think it’s 4 in 4. I think we all have a mental health condition. But the other one is about the suicide rates. And  suicide is the leading cause of death amongst young people. That’s males under the age of 35, I believe. I think that’s really, really stark and frightening, really, that were in the 21st century, that we’ve been talking about mental health for many, many years now, starting to reduce that statement. And males are seeing no option but to take their own life. And being in that position a couple of years ago when I thought that I would be added to that statistic is really, really just does upset me to see that. But it is startling and you know we’re not a suicide prevention charity. But what we will do is support organisations that are suicide prevention organisations because ultimately, if we can see those statistics reduce in a local area, on a national level and play our part in reducing that and tackling the mental health crisis, then that’s what we’re all about. Because I think it’s only the statistics that turns the pages in the newspaper, turns heads. It’s shocking. It’s conversation starting and it’s wrong. And it needs to change.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah, no, well said, well said. Do you feel that universities are, because this starts across roots level doesn’t it, in terms of preparing people, maybe for the real world and all the challenges. So, you know, there is a large responsibility from universities readying people, even schools, to some degree, I’m quite passionate about trying to educate schools and getting people, you know it is, it is a tough world out there. You know, you mentioned you’re looking to try and partner with more universities. But yeah, tell us a bit more about that and your thoughts on that.It’s really hard to, not a hard question, but really hard to see the statistics really. Because, you know, more University students are suffering from mental health than ever before and that’s schoolchildren as well. I went to my old high school in Lancashire a couple of weeks ago and spoke to the sports teacher who was asking me about what was mental health provision like when I was there and I at High School didn’t have mental health issues really, at all. I had a seamless five years at High School. And there’s probably a couple that I’ve heard of in the year that have had little battles. That waiting list now, sorry, I think it’s over 70% of young people at that school and other schools in the area are accessing mental health support. And that shift over the course of 4 or 5 years is startling. And it really does start at a young age. What are the causes? I’m not too sure. I think Social Media plays a huge part.

Rob Hanna: That was gonna be my question. What is your view on social media?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Yep. So I think for young people, one of the biggest causes of mental health, whether it’s implicitly or explicitly, is social media. It’s the instagrams, the Facebooks, the Snapchats. I’m not seeing any worse than others. I’m saying they all have a big part to play in safeguarding young people’s mental health from seeing body image, and young girls and boys, of course, seeing these fine-looking six pack toned girls and boys. It sort of sets this image that they have to be like that and you really, really don’t. And another thing as well, is seeing a lot of harmful content on social media that instagram and other social medias say they are hiding from young people. But are the really? I’m not too sure. So I think social media, the, I don’t know how you would go around doing that. Parents have a role to play. Schools have a role to play. Young people have a role to play to sort of safeguard themselves from this harmful content. But if it’s coming up on their feed, it’s hard to avoid it, isn’t it really?

Rob Hanna: iPhones weren’t really around, I’m probably showing my age a bit now, when I was at school, so I didn’t have that luxury. But it must be tough if you’re at school, university or you know, a younger person, and you’ve just got so much access to all of this sort of media. It’s gonna have some toll on you, right?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Absolutely. I think social media is a huge benefit. It really does support people with their studies and amongst other things, and keeps in contact with people around the world and friends and stuff like that. We’re a more connected society than we’ve ever been before. That is true, but we’re also the most lonely. I think looking at the statistics of older people who are suffering from loneliness and isolation and young people that are suffering from loneliness and isolation. You know, I asked my cousins and other people of their age 11, 10 when, sorry maybe a bit older 12, 13. When was the last time you called a friend or, or went round their house and played out. And mine used to be every day, but it’s becoming a lot rarer now so instead of playing tig outside, its becoming playing fortnight on the Xbox, isn’t it?  

Rob Hanna: Yeah. Yeah. So true. So true. I mean, I was very good at Poddy. Is that still around?

Both: [Laughter]

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Poddy? I’m just gonna nod, yeah. Yes.

Rob Hanna: [Laughter] Yeah, maybe we’ll cut that out. Okay, you are definitely, you’ve achieved so much at such a young age already. You know, you’re only going to go from strength to strength. And you know you need good people around you along the way. But, you know, within the next few years, what goals have you set yourself? You know, I can see you very much getting more and more sort of media attention for the good, but where have you set yourself goals and what do you want to sort of, where do you want to be, I guess, is my point in terms of making a real change and impact?

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Think two things. Obviously doing a law degree when I finish that in the next two years or so. I’ll obviously potentially practise in a couple of years in the city, here in London, I will only join a law firm if I’m able to keep some of these mental health projects and initiatives going. And I’ve been very clear on that in some of my applications to these law firms as well. But I think ultimately, I think whether it’s 5-years or 10-year goal is to work for a national NGO or social enterprise, whether in the mental health sphere or not. I love charity. I love the fact that it is running a business, but at the end of the day, it’s not to line your own pockets, it’s to line, its you know it is to help people. And I think whether it’s social entrepreneur and just getting involved in as many projects as I can, I don’t know. It’s a tough question, but I think law charities is the way for me.

Rob Hanna: Yeah, great stuff, great stuff. And we’ve talked, you know, it has been a very sort of, you know, interesting, but also deep discussion, which I really hope will benefit lots of people listening in. But perhaps more away from your sort of charity duties, away from the degree. What do you like to get up to for fun? What do you do for downtime? I know you probably don’t get a great deal of it with being involved in so much, but give a flavour of what Lewis’ down time looks like.

Lewis Alexander Baxter: You know,  I’m asked this question quite a lot, obviously, because people say, you know. And I feel like I’m so boring.

Rob Hanna: [Laughter]  

Lewis Alexander Baxter: I literally, the answer is I get I said, I don’t really know. My downtime is the project, and I really mean that. I go into my own little bubble and work on things and ring people and grow The Blurred Line Group as best as I can. Walking, seeing family, eating lots of food. I do like food and travel.

Rob Hanna: Favourite cuisine?  

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Tough one. I’m very traditional. Traditional English food, I would say.  

Rob Hanna: Yeah, yeah, good stuff. Good stuff. Well, Lewis, from from from my side, on behalf of everyone on The Legally Speaking Podcast and all of our listeners, thank you so much for coming on. And, you know, sharing your journey is only gonna help, inspire and hopefully help prevent others in the future. So I wish you tonnes of success with your degree and future endeavours. No doubt you’re gonna be a superstar. So thanks so much for coming on today.  

Lewis Alexander Baxter: Thank you for the opportunity. Cheers.

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