

Proven Results Burn Injury Attorney Who Fights for Your Rights

If you’ve been injured due to negligence, you have a right to fight for the justice and the compensation you deserve. Fighting in a courtroom against a big corporation who sold you a faulty product or a negligent landlord may seem like an overwhelming task. However, with a burn injury attorney by your side, you’ll be able to get through the court process and proceedings with ease and certainty. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer Hiring a personal injury lawyer will

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Hannah Salton

Stuck in a job search rut? 5 tips to get unstuck

Searching for a job hunting can be mentally exhausting, and can take a real toll on your health and wellbeing. Many people suffer a crisis of confidence, especially if they have been job hunting for a while and have already experienced multiple rejections. Sometimes it can feel like everyone else knows what they’re doing, and you’re the only one left looking for your dream job. Here are 5 tips to help you keep going after experiencing (another) rejection: 1. Remind

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Encouraging responsible screen time and managing communications

Contents:  Chapter 1: An introduction to wellbeing and screen time Chapter 2: Responsible screen time and health Chapter 3: Managing communications Chapter 4: Useful Links Chapter 1: An introduction to wellbeing and screen time Look around you. How many screens are within close range? As modern technology becomes increasingly integrated into our societies and our lives, it is important to pay attention to how much time we spend looking at screens. Being mindful of the amount of time spent on

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Paralegal Doesn’t Appear In Every Job AD

I recently had to examine a CV where the applicant had categorised four years of their experience as being employed as a ‘paralegal’. Another year of experience was listed under the job title ‘secretary’. However, the daily duties involved in this year were more descriptive of a paralegal role than that of a secretary. Many people are performing tasks day in, day out, not realising that what they are doing may class them as a ‘paralegal’. And it is clear

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An Employee’s Guide to Managing Notifications and Communications to Maximise Workplace Wellbeing

Do you find yourself getting easily distracted by instant messages or regularly checking your emails for that update you’re waiting for? We waste a surprising amount of time going between tasks as a result of distractions. Not only is it inefficient, but regular alerts and notifications can affect our wellbeing, especially if the lines between work and home get blurred. In this guide, we look at how this ‘always-on’ workplace culture has crept up on us, and what can be

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What has the Host of the Legally Speaking Podcast been up to?

This week, Robert Hanna, the speaker and host of the Legally Speaking Podcast has been busy testing the new release of LinkedIn Audio. He has been networking with professionals from a range of industries, including American trademark attorneys, trial lawyers and construction specialists. LinkedIn Audio Robert, as a LinkedIn Top 100 Rising Star and Influencer 2021, has been selected by LinkedIn as one of just a few hundred creators on the platform to test LinkedIn Audio – a Clubhouse-style audio

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22 Mini Habits for 2022

Can you believe January 2022 is already over?! The new year is here, and as the rest of the world settles into routine, we wanted to offer you 22 mini habits that can help make your year a little bit brighter!   What are mini habits? Think less huge lifestyle changes and more sustainable habits. Mini habits are little actions you can take to better yourself. In no means is this a list of 22 things you must change, think

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How to Avoid 6 Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

It’s hard to know what you don’t know. And that applies to small business owners, too. We see even the most experienced entrepreneurs making the same mistakes over and over again simply because they’ve never known a different way of doing things. To help you find success, here is a list of how you can avoid some of the top mistakes small business owners make. Take the time to market your business. Nowadays, we have the advantage of having social media

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