
📕 Written by Our Legally Speaking Podcast Guests

Season 1

Junior Lawyers’ Handbook – by Eloise Skinner – Lawyer, Author & Teacher – S1E10

The Junior Lawyers’ Handbook is an all-inclusive career guide for new lawyers who are transitioning from being students to legal professionals. This book is packed with practical guidance, exercises, and actionable advice that is essential for those who want to improve their skills and assimilate into a new working environment.


The Purpose Handbook: A beginner’s guide to figuring out what you’re here to do – by Eloise Skinner – Lawyer, Author & Teacher – S1E10

The objective of this book is straightforward: to assist you in living a purposeful life. This book is not a shortcut to happiness or a five-day plan promising immediate results. It is, in part, a manual and, in part, a manifesto. It is your personal companion, your guide, as you navigate your own evolving sense of purpose throughout your life.

Season 2

Commercial Awareness – by Harry Clark – More From Law – S2E4

This guide is designed to help you develop your understanding of commercial awareness, regardless of your profession. It is a short and easy-to-read resource that is full of examples, diagrams, and case studies tailored to your reading. Whether you are an aspiring professional or someone already in the industry wishing to develop your professional skillset, this guide is perfect for you.

Raising The Bar: Empowering female lawyers through coaching – by Nikki Alderson – Raising the Bar – S2E6

“Raising the Bar: Empowering Female Lawyers Through Coaching” is the book that Nikki Alderson wishes she had when she was negotiating her “career crossroads”. It is designed to support women in law to navigate their own paths to success. The book introduces the benefits of coaching through the sharing of ideas and exercises which readers can test out for themselves. This book is a great guide for female lawyers (and women more generally in any career) trying to balance the pressures of work and personal lives in a society where “having it all” is not straightforward.

Authentic Negotiating: Clarity, Detachment & Equilibrium – by Corey Kupfer – Fueling Deals – S2E10

Have you ever found yourself derailed whilst trying to negotiate for what you really want? Perhaps by anger, fear, ego, insecurity, or feeling ‘outmaneuvered’? Did you feel that you were unable to stay true to yourself, and did it affect the outcome of your negotiations? ‘Authentic Negotiating’ offers a solution for these common mental diversions. By replacing them with Clarity, Detachment, and Equilibrium, you can effectively stay true to yourself and make the deals that matter. This book provides a guide to the internal work required to become a great negotiator.

Crypto Wars: Faked Deaths, Missing Billions and Industry Disruption – by Erica Stanford – Crypto Curry Club – S2E13

In this book, Erica Stanford, a renowned crypto expert and educator, sheds light on the market-wide manipulation schemes, unregulated processes, and a collection of often-misunderstood technologies that have contributed to the emergence of a “wild west” of crypto. Unfortunately, some individuals have taken advantage of this situation to run fraudulent schemes such as OneCoin, PonziCoin, and Trumpcoin, among others. Through ‘Crypto Wars’, Erica Stanford aims to uncover these scandals and provide insights into the system behind them. The book helps readers gain a better understanding of a new technology that has the potential to revolutionise banking and our world for the better.

You’re Hired – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

The COVID-19 pandemic has weakened the legal job market, making it even tougher for aspiring lawyers to find employment. As a managing partner of a boutique litigation firm in Miami, Florida, Frank has observed numerous job-seeking mistakes made by law students and young lawyers. These mistakes reflect misunderstandings about what employers want and what grabs their attention. Fortunately, there are proactive steps law students and young lawyers can take to significantly improve their chances of being noticed and receiving a job offer. While it may take time and effort, the strategies presented in this book will help you increase your odds of being hired.

Question Everything – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

This book consists entirely of questions that lawyers and their firms can ask themselves to improve. According to the author, Frank, we do not spend enough time asking ourselves questions. By asking ourselves numerous questions, we can discover our purpose, direction, and destiny.

The Associate Whisperer – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank had the opportunity to engage with associates from different places. He came to realise despite their diverse backgrounds, they shared common values, desires, wants, and principles. In his book, Frank shares his experiences and the invaluable lessons he learnt from the young lawyers. He hopes that as readers, we will also be able to learn from his observations.

Confessions of a Latino Lawyer – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank Ramos shares his experiences as a Latino lawyer. He shares what makes him different, what makes his perspective different and what makes him want to stay at a law firm. He explores how law firms can retain diverse lawyers – by learning their stories, embracing, understanding and accepting them.

Getting Published For Lawyers – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank encourages others to pursue their own writing goals. He acknowledges there are various ways to write and publish, but shares what has personally worked for him, based on his experiences starting in 2001. Frank is open about the challenges he faced along the way – he aims to offer guidance and support to aspiring writers throughout this book. 

Social Media Musings: My Reflections on the Practice and Life – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

The book comprises of a collection of posts – providing guidance to lawyers on both their professional and personal lives. The posts are categorised by topic for easy reference. Frank reveals these posts have aided in daily self-reflection, allowing for a better understanding of his role as a lawyer. He hopes readers will appreciate the posts and invites them to follow his LinkedIn profile for daily updates.

Social Media Musings Part 2: My Reflections on the Practice and Life – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

As a continuation of ‘Social Media Musings’, Frank shares more of his LinkedIn posts, in hope to inspire lawyers to post on the platform.

Leadership for Lawyers – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

This book is written by FDCC in recognition of the changing times affecting the legal profession: how clients conduct business, communication, social constructs, the principles and values of firms and organisations. With these changes, leadership is more important than ever before to provide guidance and direction. Successful organisations have a clear vision and strategy, with leaders who possess the skills necessary to implement them. Frank is the author of ‘Servant Leadership’ and ‘Mentoring Leaders’.

Be Your Own Life Coach – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank’s advice for ‘Owning the Room’ is: “Know you topic. Know your audience. Read your audience. It’s not about you. Don’t make it about you”.

Owning the Room – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

The life coaching industry is currently experiencing rapid growth with an increasing number of life coaches available in the self-help market. Although they offer assistance to individuals in becoming the best versions of themselves, the question of whether hiring a life coach is necessary or if individuals can self-coach arises. In certain circumstances, it can make sense to hire a life coach, but often, individuals can accomplish the same goals for themselves, without incurring the cost of hiring a professional. Frank believes in the power of self-improvement and that each person has the potential to become their own life coach. Whether aiming to improve one’s legal practice, parenting skills, or relationships, it is possible to achieve these goals independently.

The Practice and Process of Law: Checklists for Every Occasion – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Lawyers often make checklists of the tasks they need to complete. It can assist them with different legal tasks: consulting to a client, writing a legal document, or answering questions in court. The book, The Practice and Process of Law: Checklists for Every Occasion, has a variety of checklists for lawyers to use. Lawyers can change the lists to suit their own way of working.

Attorney Marketing 101 – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

This book can teach you how to build relationships with potential clients and make them trust you with their legal needs. The book demonstrates how to make a good marketing plan and how to take proactive steps to achieve the plan. You can start learning and using these tips right away, even if you’re just starting out in your career. By following Frank’s advice, you can plant the seeds for future success.

From Law School to Litigator – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

This book can teach you how to build relationships with potential clients and make them trust you with their legal needs. The book demonstrates how to make a good marketing plan and how to take action. You can start learning and using these tips right away, even if you’re just starting out in your career. By following Frank’s advice, you can plant the seeds for future success.

Go Motivate Yourself – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank wants this book to assist you in identifying your talents, passions, and aspirations. Frank hopes it provides guidance on how to create and execute a plan to achieve your dreams and fulfil your destiny. By doing so, you’ll be able to improve in various areas of your life, such as being a better lawyer, spouse, parent, friend, and leader.

 The Associate’s Handbook – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Frank shares his experience and knowledge on becoming a better lawyer, marketing yourself, and handling cases as if they’ll go to trial. Frank has learnt from mentors, trial and error, and organisations like DRI, FDLA, and FDCC. He hopes you find these insights useful in your own practice.

The Future of Law – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

Technology has caught up with predictions of seismic change in the legal profession, which will continue to accelerate. It’s time for lawyers to embrace and adapt to this new environment in order to thrive. This book will provide strategies for success in the evolving legal landscape. We have the power to shape the future of law.


A Guide to Strategic Planning for State and Local Defense Organizations – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

This guide will show you how to make your SLDO (State and Local Defense Organization) stronger. Frank and co-author John C. Trimble, will teach you how to ask the right questions to understand the needs, wants, and expectations of your members – both current and former. They will help you create a plan to address those needs and wants, as well as the daily challenges that SLDOs face in the legal world today.


Training Your Law Firm Associates – by Frank Ramos – Lawyer & Prolific Thought Leader – S2E15

To improve your associates’ ability to represent clients, bring in business, and become partners, you need to train them intentionally. This book will guide you through developing and implementing a plan to improve your associates’ work product, litigation skills, and business acumen. By filling the education gap left by law school, you can create a more loyal and appreciated workforce. Take the time to read and follow the suggestions in this book to create a comprehensive training plan.


Thriving At Life – by Jodie Hill – Thrive Law – S2E23

Thriving at Life is a helpful well-being journal that guides you in practicing self-care, gratitude, good sleep, and healthy habits. Created by Jodie, who drew from her own experience managing mental health and ADHD, the journal’s first section emphasises the importance of sleep, habit formation, and consistent self-care. The second half provides 12 weeks of customisable check-ins, questions, and daily reflections for you to work through at your own pace. Jodie encourages using these tools to reflect on and improve various aspects of your life and schedule for better mental health and well-being.


A Practical Guide To Valuing Employment Discrimination Claims – by Jodie Hill – Thrive Law – S2E23

An easy-to-use guide for lawyers and HR professionals, published yearly, helps value discrimination claims in the Employment Tribunal. It stands out with over 160 simple examples covering various claims, from age discrimination to racial harassment. The guide offers practical advice on using case law to support your valuation.

Season 3

Justice On Trial: Radical Solutions For A System At Breaking Point – by Chris Daw QC – Justice On Trial – S3E3

‘Justice on Trial’ offers a bold approach to crime and punishment, based on case studies and worldwide coverage. Daw’s account, including a new afterword on the impact of the global pandemic on the legal system, presents a set of radical solutions. With firsthand knowledge of a system in turmoil, the narrative alternates between being alarming, poignant, and practical. This roadmap to a future beyond the simplistic view of right and wrong is a rare glimpse into a system in crisis.

(Out)Law: From Teenage Mum to Legal Trailblazer – by Alice Stephenson – Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Investor – S3E6

Embark on a journey of resilience and determination with “(Out)Law,” a captivating account of Alice Stephenson’s extraordinary life. Confronting teenage motherhood and homelessness at just 18, Alice refused to be defined by adversity. Navigating the complexities of university as a young mother, she emerged as a qualified solicitor, breaking down barriers with grit and passion. The narrative doesn’t end there— in 2017, Alice defied norms by founding her own law firm, Stephenson Law, challenging the male-dominated, elitist legal landscape. “(Out)Law” sheds light on her defiance of societal expectations, highlighting the struggles faced by women and those challenging traditional norms in the legal profession.

Addressing discrimination and advocating for innovation and inclusivity, the book emphasizes that change within the ancient legal profession requires a humanized approach and challenges outdated perspectives, all while debunking stereotypes about tattoos.

Chambers & Partners UK Litigation Global Practice Guide 2019 – by co-author Johnny Shearman – Professional Support Lawyer & Entrepreneur – S3E9

The Litigation 2019 Guide provides legal commentary on business matters. The guide includes significant advancements in the most important jurisdictions. The UK segment covers an overview of litigation in England and Wales, featuring topics such as Litigation Funding, Lawsuit Initiation, Pre-trial Procedures, Discovery, Injunctive Relief, Trials and Hearings, Settlement, Damages and Judgments, Appeal, Costs, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Arbitration.


European Fashion Law – by Rosie Burbidge – Intellectual Property Lawyer & Author – S3E11

European Fashion Law: A Practical Guide from Start-up to Global Success provides an accessible guide to the legal issues associated with running a fashion business in Europe. This concise book follows the lifecycle of a fashion business from protecting initial designs through to global expansion.


Go Legal Yourself! – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Go Legal Yourself™” is a guide for business owners, outlining the four stages of your business’s Legal Lifecycle and how to establish your business for success right from the start. It helps you understand what you might have assumed, what you should be aware of, and what you may have never considered asking. Identifying your position within the Legal Lifecycle enables a smooth transition between phases, whether it’s moving from Startup to Growth or from Establishment to Exit. Knowing your business’s Legal Lifecycle is crucial for running a successful business.


Go Own Yourself: Unleash your greatness so you can own your world – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Go Own Yourself” offers effective tools to unlock your potential! Kelly Bagla shares insights from her interactions with a diverse range of clients, both local and international, to unveil the common practices and mindset of successful individuals. Based on research and her own experiences, Kelly demonstrates how you can harness your unique qualities to exceed your expectations. This book serves as your roadmap to help you recognise your potential, set clear goals, and implement strategies to turn your dreams into reality.


Doing Business in the United States: The Guide to Entering the U.S. Market – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

This guide is designed for business owners seeking to seize these opportunities. It condenses the advice that Kelly offers to her international clients looking to establish a presence in the United States. Inside, you’ll find an overview of essential considerations when doing business and setting up operations in the U.S. There is also a concise examination of the U.S. legal system and key laws that pertain to conducting business in the country. This guide serves as an excellent initial resource for any business venturing into the U.S. market.


Legal Pearls: Pearls of Wisdom for Avoiding Business Litigation – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Legal Pearls” is a straightforward guide for busy entrepreneurs who want to avoid legal issues and the costs of business lawsuits. With 20 years of legal experience, Kelly Bagla provides practical strategies for staying out of business litigation.


#Networked: How 20 Women Lawyers Overcame the Confines of COVID-19 Social Distancing to Create Connections, Cultivate Community, & Build Businesses in the Midst of a Global Pandemic – by co-author Angie Vichayanond  – Leg Up Legal – S3E21

“#Networked” is a highly anticipated anthology with 20 chapters, each written by a different woman lawyer who initially connected through a LinkedIn networking group during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Similar to the structure of the Decameron, each chapter in #Networked delves into one woman’s unique experiences and her role within the group. These stories touch on timeless themes like human will, love, virtue, and societal tensions, but it’s essential to recognise that #Networked is a modern anthology firmly rooted in 2020. The women are firmly entrenched in their careers, striving for work-life balance, and mastering the art of looking good on virtual call.


Honour Bound: Adventures of an Indian Lawyer in the English Courts – by Sarosh Zaiwalla – Managing Partner & Author – S3E23

“In Honour Bound, Sarosh Zaiwalla looks back on his career from his passage to England at a time when diversity had barely begun to take root in its legal circles to now leading a ground-breaking law firm. In an eventful life, Zaiwalla has walked the corridors of power and rubbed shoulders with ministers, diplomats, industrialists and celebrities. His memoir is filled with drama and intrigue, from instructing a young barrister called Tony Blair to dealing with some of the biggest cases ever heard. While he still has many chapters ahead of him (a lawyer never retires after all), some of the cases that have concluded have created a storm in India and feature a diverse cast, including Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi, P.V. Narasimha Rao, V.P. Singh, the Hinduja brothers, the Dalai Lama, Benazir Bhutto and the Bachchans. This is the story of a solicitor who made his way on his own terms, with creativity but without ever compromising on his values. In this bold yet measured tale of trial and triumph, Zaiwalla tells all as much as lawyer client privilege permits.”

Season 4

The Web3, Metaverse and AI Handbook – by Mitch Jackson – Trial Lawyer and Digital Marketing Expert – S4E1

A comprehensive guide to the world of Web3, the Metaverse, and artificial intelligence. The book provides a deep dive into the technology, trends, and applications of these cutting-edge areas, as well as their implications for the future.

From AI to Blockchain: 14 Technology Trends Every Lawyer Must Know! – by Mitch Jackson – Trial Lawyer and Digital Marketing Expert – S4E1

A practical guide for lawyers and legal professionals, outlining the most important technology trends that are changing the legal industry. The book covers topics such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, smart contracts, and the Internet of Things, and provides insights on how these trends are transforming the legal landscape.

The Ultimate Guide to Social Media For Business Owners, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs – by Mitch Jackson – Trial Lawyer and Digital Marketing Expert – S4E1

If done correctly, social media can change both your business and life. In this book, Mitch share’s tips from 47 top experts from around the world. In the 52 chapters, you’ll learn proven ways to amplify your brand, build new relationships, and sell more products and services.

Business Writing Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

“The Business Writing Handbook” is a comprehensive guide for professional writing in a commercial context, covering business emails, formal letters, reports, presentations, web content, newsletters, and meeting notes. It includes detailed model examples, an overview of grammar rules, and tips for enhancing writing style and clarity in client and colleague communication.

The handbook also offers practical advice on proofreading, editing, and effective use of visual aids. Throughout, humorous examples illustrate the consequences of neglecting the guidelines, making it a valuable resource for improving business communication.

Application, Interview & Internship Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

The Application, Interview & Internship Handbook is a comprehensive guide focused on enhancing employability for various City careers. It covers topics such as researching careers, networking strategies, crafting successful CVs, and addressing competency questions. Authored with tips from career coach Hannah Salton, this handbook is a thorough companion for those navigating the competitive job market.

Additionally, the guide provides insights on building a strong personal brand, differentiating between graduate opportunities, and preparing for interviews and assessment centres, including virtual assessments. With practical advice on converting internships into job offers, the handbook is a valuable resource for success in the recruitment process.

Commercial Law Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

Published in September 2022, the updated Commercial Law Handbook is a concise 76-page guide tailored for commercial law interviews and internships. It covers crucial aspects such as commercial awareness, case study interviews, assessment centres, and insights into the legal profession, offering guidance on the assessment and cultivation of “commercial awareness.” The handbook delves into the roles of commercial lawyers, trainee solicitors, and major practice areas, providing essential knowledge in a streamlined format.

The guide further explores core commercial law principles, including the formation of contracts, risk allocation through contractual terms, and the operation of security in corporate borrowing. It addresses strategic challenges in business, financing methods, the M&A process, basic economics, financial accounting principles, Microsoft Excel, transactional documents, and practical advice on converting internships into full-time jobs.

Training Contract Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

Published in 2022, this handbook caters to diverse audiences: (a) students keen on understanding commercial law and building advanced commercial awareness; (b) individuals preparing for legal interviews, internships, and work placements; and (c) paralegals and trainee solicitors aiming for a seamless start in their careers. With insights from dozens of City lawyers and comprehensive tips from leading City trainers, this unique 166-page, ~120,000-word guide serves as a training contract survival manual.

The handbook covers a wide spectrum, providing explanations of key legal concepts, insights into trainee responsibilities, and insider tips on workload management, networking, and negotiation. It delves into foundational commercial and contract law principles, project management in M&A processes, key transaction documents, dispute resolution methods, and offers a practical guide to Microsoft Office. Christopher Stoakes, author of “All You Need To Know About The City,” hails it as indispensable, emphasizing its crucial role for those entering the legal profession.

Investment Banking Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

The Investment Banking Handbook is a comprehensive guide covering essential knowledge for interviews and internships in various banking divisions. It includes insights into business operations, transaction processes, and financing methods, along with explanations of business valuation techniques, key economic and financial accounting concepts, and an overview of Microsoft Excel formulas.

The handbook also provides guidance on market sizing questions, brainteasers, and offers specific sections on Investment Banking and Markets divisions, coupled with general interview advice and a recommended reading list at the end.

Consultancy Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

The Consultancy Handbook provides essential knowledge for consultancy interviews and internships, offering insights into the role of consultants, various consultancy firms, and industries served. It emphasizes case study interviews, explaining the Profitability Framework and Business Situation Framework. The handbook introduces mergers and acquisitions, market sizing questions, and case study analysis tools like SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces.

Covering basic economics, finance, business valuation concepts, and key financial accounts, it defines commercial terms, offers Microsoft Excel tips, and provides general interview advice with a recommended reading list.

Business Presentation Handbook – by Jake Schogger – How to Boost Your Commercial Awareness and Ace Your Law Firm Applications – S4E24

Co-authored by business communication expert Peggy Forell and former Magic Circle lawyer Jake Schogger, the Business Presentation Handbook provides practical advice on becoming a memorable and effective presenter.

Covering effective communication elements, qualities of a communicator, managing nerves, connecting with the audience, and presentation essentials, it includes insights on visual aids, finishing touches, and implementation techniques for various scenarios, endorsed as a valuable guide by Peter Beddows, Former Learning & Development Director at Diageo.

Season 5

The Legal Tech Ecosystem: Innovation, Advancement & the Future of Law Practice – by Colin Levy – How will legal tech change the role of lawyers – S5E13

At its core, the book delves into the significant changes taking place in the legal field, driven by large-scale economic factors. These changes have increased the demands on legal departments to achieve more with limited resources. Four key factors—explosive growth in regulations, challenges stemming from globalisation, the merging of risk aspects, and the pressure on corporate profits—have created an environment where legal professionals must quickly adapt to thrive.

The Legal Tech Ecosystem emphasises that technology alone is insufficient. Legal departments need to undergo a fundamental digital transformation, reimagining their structures, processes, and approaches to fully leverage the advantages that technology offers. The true value lies in data – capturing it, analysing it, and extracting transformative insights from it.

“Colin Levy’s book is a ground-breaking exploration of the interaction of law and technology. A testament to his profound insights, this book offers an enlightening exploration of technology’s transformative power in the legal industry, from automating routine tasks to pushing the boundaries of innovation. He courageously embraces adaptation, innovation, and technology, challenging the conventional. ‘This is the way it has always been done’ mindset. The insights and lessons, especially the emphasis on collaboration for success and technology’s potential to enhance rather than replace legal practice, are critical. His book deftly debunks myths and invites the reader to embrace change with an empathetic approach. It’s not just a book; its essential guide for every 21st-century legal practitioner seeking to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of law practice. An unmissable read! – Robert Hanna, Founder and CEO of KC Partner and the Host of the Legally Speaking Podcast.


Handbook of Legal Tech – by Colin Levy – How will legal tech change the role of lawyers – S5E13

Embrace the inevitable integration of technology into the legal field with the “Handbook of Legal Tech,” edited by influential legal tech advocate Colin S. Levy. This comprehensive guide offers insights from key figures in legal tech, addressing crucial aspects such as automation, contract management, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and legal analytics. Geared towards both in-house and private practice lawyers globally, the book navigates the evolving landscape of legal technology, providing actionable data and firsthand perspectives on its development and adoption.

From legal ethics to the future of legal tech, this engaging resource ensures that legal professionals stay informed and empowered in an era dominated by data and technology. Ignoring these advancements is a definitive risk in today’s legal landscape.

Season 6

Where are you from?: A book celebrating Black British History for Children – by Dr. Sally Penni MBE – Women in the Law UK – S6E1

This book celebrates untold stories from Black History, covering black Tudors, black Romans, and black soldiers. It reveals hidden connections and serves as a valuable resource for kids and adults interested in the lives of notable figures from Black British History. It’s an ideal choice for honouring Black History with children throughout the year, including Black History Month.

The Client-Centered Law Firm: How to Succeed in an Experience-Driven World – by Jack Newton – Transforming the Legal Experience for All – S6E13

The legal industry has long been risk averse, but when it comes to adapting to the experience-driven world created by companies like Netflix, Uber, and Airbnb, adherence to the old status quo could be the death knell for today’s law firms.

In The Client-Centered Law Firm, legal technology expert Jack Newton offers a clear-eyed and timely look at how providing a client-centered experience and running an efficient, profitable law firm aren’t opposing ideas. With this approach, they drive each other. Covering the what, why, and how of running a client-centered practice, with examples from law firms leading this revolution as well as practical strategies for implementation, The Client-Centered Law Firm is a rallying call to unlock the enormous latent demand in the legal market by providing client-centered experiences, improving internal processes, and raising the bottom line.

Season 7

Season 7

Cyber Security Toolkit – by Peter Wright – Digital Law: Cyber Security, Data Protection & Privacy – S7E6

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity within legal services, the second edition of the Cyber Security Toolkit has been updated to address current threats and best practices. This practical guide enhances awareness of cyber risks, covering prevention strategies, staff training, and response protocols for successful cyber attacks.

With a focus on the growing trend of remote work, the toolkit provides practical insights and templates, including a risk assessment audit, a remote working policy, an IT security checklist, and a breach reporting checklist, ensuring legal organisations meet all legal and regulatory requirements related to personal and client data.

Ditch The Billable Hour! Implementing Value-Based Pricing in a Law Firm – by Shaun Jardine

In “Ditch The Billable Hour!”, Shaun Jardine advises lawyers to shift from charging based on time and instead prioritise achieving the results clients want. He explains the importance of legal firms adopting Value-Based Pricing (VBP) and provides guidance on its implementation. This book is a comprehensive and practical guide filled with real-world expertise, advice, and perspectives, exploring all aspects of VBP for the legal industry.

Legal Operations in the Age of AI and Data – by Olga V. Mack, Humira Noorestani, and MbaMemme Onwudiwe

This book is a golden opportunity to future-proof your legal expertise by combining AI’s advanced capabilities with the nuances of legal practice, presented through the innovative LegalOps 2.0 framework.

Crafted by experts in legal tech, each chapter offers practical insights, tips, and frameworks that align with the 12 core areas of the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC), all with a tech-forward approach. The book provides an insider’s view of legal processes, now supercharged with AI and data analytics.

Elegant Legal Writing – by Ryan McCarl

Elegant Legal Writing helps attorneys elevate their writing from passable to polished. Drawing on ideas from cognitive science, stylistics, and litigation strategy, the book teaches practical techniques by example using fast-paced chapters. Readers will learn the essentials of effective legal composition: writing clear, efficient prose, crafting strong arguments, telling a client’s story through a compelling narrative, overcoming procrastination and drafting more productively. 

Readability, aesthetics, and argumentation are intertwined. Ryan McCarl shows how litigation documents that are easier and more pleasant to read are more likely to persuade judges and other busy readers. The book also discusses parts of legal writing that many guides overlook, including sentence mechanics, writing technology, and typography.

Clio Con Guests 2023

Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Prison – by Shaka Senghor – Champion For Criminal Justice Reform – E14 Clio Con Clips

“Writing My Wrongs” is a story about what happened next. Senghor spent 19 years in prison, including seven years in solitary confinement. During this time, he discovered the power of books, meditation, self-reflection, and the kindness of others. These tools helped him face his past, forgive those who harmed him, and begin making amends for his mistakes. When he was released at the age of 38, Senghor became an advocate and mentor for young people in similar situations. His community work and his willingness to share his story earned him fellowships at institutions like the MIT Media Lab and the Kellogg Foundation. He was also invited to speak at events like TED and the Aspen Ideas Festival. “Writing My Wrongs” is a gripping account of life marked by poverty, violence, and fear. It’s an unforgettable story of personal transformation and serves as a compelling call for our country to reconsider its approach to crime, incarceration, and the individuals caught up in the system.

Chambers & Partners UK Litigation Global Practice Guide 2019 – by co-author Johnny Shearman – Professional Support Lawyer & Entrepreneur – S3E9

The Litigation 2019 Guide provides legal commentary on business matters. The guide includes significant advancements in the most important jurisdictions. The UK segment covers an overview of litigation in England and Wales, featuring topics such as Litigation Funding, Lawsuit Initiation, Pre-trial Procedures, Discovery, Injunctive Relief, Trials and Hearings, Settlement, Damages and Judgments, Appeal, Costs, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Arbitration.

Fashion Law: A Practical Guide from Start-up to Global Success – by Rosie Burbidge – Intellectual Property Lawyer & Author – S3E11

European Fashion Law: A Practical Guide from Start-up to Global Success provides an accessible guide to the legal issues associated with running a fashion business in Europe. This concise book follows the lifecycle of a fashion business from protecting initial designs through to global expansion.

Go Legal Yourself! – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Go Legal Yourself™” is a guide for business owners, outlining the four stages of your business’s Legal Lifecycle and how to establish your business for success right from the start. It helps you understand what you might have assumed, what you should be aware of, and what you may have never considered asking. Identifying your position within the Legal Lifecycle enables a smooth transition between phases, whether it’s moving from Startup to Growth or from Establishment to Exit. Knowing your business’s Legal Lifecycle is crucial for running a successful business.

Go Own Yourself: Unleash your greatness so you can own your world – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Go Own Yourself” offers effective tools to unlock your potential! Kelly Bagla shares insights from her interactions with a diverse range of clients, both local and international, to unveil the common practices and mindset of successful individuals. Based on research and her own experiences, Kelly demonstrates how you can harness your unique qualities to exceed your expectations. This book serves as your roadmap to help you recognise your potential, set clear goals, and implement strategies to turn your dreams into reality.

Doing Business in the United States: The Guide to Entering the U.S. Market – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

This guide is designed for business owners seeking to seize these opportunities. It condenses the advice that Kelly offers to her international clients looking to establish a presence in the United States. Inside, you’ll find an overview of essential considerations when doing business and setting up operations in the U.S. There is also a concise examination of the U.S. legal system and key laws that pertain to conducting business in the country. This guide serves as an excellent initial resource for any business venturing into the U.S. market.

Legal Pearls: Pearls of Wisdom for Avoiding Business Litigation – by Kelly Bagla – Go Legal Yourself – S3E19

“Legal Pearls” is a straightforward guide for busy entrepreneurs who want to avoid legal issues and the costs of business lawsuits. With 20 years of legal experience, Kelly Bagla provides practical strategies for staying out of business litigation.

#Networked: How 20 Women Lawyers Overcame the Confines of COVID-19 Social Distancing to Create Connections, Cultivate Community, & Build Businesses in the Midst of a Global Pandemic – by co-author Angie Vichayanond  – Leg Up Legal – S3E21

“#Networked” is a highly anticipated anthology with 20 chapters, each written by a different woman lawyer who initially connected through a LinkedIn networking group during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Similar to the structure of the Decameron, each chapter in #Networked delves into one woman’s unique experiences and her role within the group. These stories touch on timeless themes like human will, love, virtue, and societal tensions, but it’s essential to recognise that #Networked is a modern anthology firmly rooted in 2020. The women are firmly entrenched in their careers, striving for work-life balance, and mastering the art of looking good on virtual call.

Legal Community Books

The Right Not to Remain Silent: The Truth About Mental Health in The Legal Profession – by Beth Beattie, Carole Dagher and Thomas G. W. Telfer.

This ground-breaking book sets the stage for revoluntionisng the perspective of mental health in the legal profession. Containing a series of candid and courageous memoirs, members of the legal profession share their experiences of living with mental health and addiction issues.

Lesson From The Admiral, Naval Wisdom and Sea Stories for Leaders – by Mark C. Fava

Mark’s stories will inspire you to unlock your leadership potential by applying lessons that will propel your leadership journey forward. An insightful guide for mid-career managers, early career lawyers, and junior military officers who aspire to be promoted, this book is also a fun read for all military veterans who relished their time in uniform. The lessons Mark shares have timeless value. They are just as meaningful today as they were over thirty years ago and have been the keys to Mark’s promotions in both the military and the legal profession throughout his career.

The Net is Closing: birth of the e-police – by Yair Cohen

‘Telling a painful truth about what really happens online, the net is closing: birth of the e-police calls out internet bullies and online anonymity, and shines a bright light on who (or what) is behind policing our current “virtual” reality. The book is a polemical work about online safety and policing. It argues for a move away from self-policing and towards a more conventional form of state maintained supervision in the still relatively new sphere of human activity of the internet. The inevitable conclusion, that soon, the internet will become neatly policed, is primarily based on the author’s extensive experience of working as a lawyer in the field of online defamation, harassment and infringement of privacy’.

Unruly: Fighting Back When Politics, AI, And Law Upend The Rules of Business – by Sean West

In Unruly: Fighting Back when Politics, AI, and Law Upend the Rules of Business, co-founder of software company Hence Technologies and former Global Deputy CEO of Eurasia Group, Sean West, delivers a startlingly insightful new take on how politics, technology and law are converging to upend the rules of business, generating dangerous risks and incredible opportunities. West convincingly argues that we must understand all three factors to get leverage over the future – a future filled with eroding rule of law, deepfakes that upend elections and court decisions, government pressure for businesses to be patriotic, robot lobbyists, a flood of automated legal claims pointed directly at your company and much more.

The Battle for Your Brain: Defending The Right To Think Freely In The Age of Neurotechnology – by Nita A. Farahany

A new dawn of brain tracking and hacking is coming. Will you be prepared for what comes next? Imagine a world where your brain can be interrogated to learn your political beliefs, your thoughts can be used as evidence of a crime, and your own feelings can be held against you. A world where people who suffer from epilepsy receive alerts moments before a seizure, and the average person can peer into their own mind to eliminate painful memories or cure addictions. Neuroscience has already made all of this possible today, and neurotechnology will soon become the “universal controller” for all of our interactions with technology. This can benefit humanity immensely, but without safeguards, it can seriously threaten our fundamental human rights to privacy, freedom of thought, and self-determination. From one of the world’s foremost experts on the ethics of neuroscience, The Battle for Your Brain offers a path forward to navigate the complex legal and ethical dilemmas that will fundamentally impact our freedom to understand, shape, and define ourselves.