
Anna Polito

22 Mini Habits for 2022

Can you believe January 2022 is already over?! The new year is here, and as the rest of the world settles into routine, we wanted to offer you 22 mini habits that can help make your year a little bit brighter!   What are mini habits? Think less huge lifestyle changes and more sustainable habits. Mini habits are little actions you can take to better yourself. In no means is this a list of 22 things you must change, think

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Student Recap on Season 5 Episode 7 with Charles Kerrigan – Introduction to Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin

Season 5 Episode 7 featured Charles Kerrigan, a partner at CMS specializing in digital assets, fintech, and cryptocurrency. One of my main takeaways from this episode is as a student soon entering the legal field, the world of cryptocurrencies will become a potential career path that is on the rise. This is an interesting field to get into with so much still being discovered. And that is exactly what Charles discussed, his job is exploring how these cryptocurrencies are to

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Boundaries are Self Care

By Anna Polito I get an email at 7:00pm on a Friday night about making a study group for an upcoming Land Law exam. One of the societies has scheduled a mandatory committee meeting Sunday at 3pm. My phone is constantly ringing from notifications from one of the groups WhatsApp chats about school. In this digital world, where you can be reached 24/7, any day of the week, it is hard to remember we need to set boundaries. When you

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How to Stand Out Being a Woman in the Law, a Male Dominated Field

By Anna Polito  The legal field is competitive, and from the moment we enter law school, the competition begins. We make friends, we join societies, and we are told that although these are our classmates, it is every person for themselves. You compete for grades, mooting tournaments, and most importantly, you compete for jobs. This competitive mind-frame that is instilled in us from day one, lines up with the aggressive reputation a law career holds. Late nights, lots of paperwork,

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