
LegalTechTalk Uncovered 2024

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I’m thrilled to share the highlights from our exclusive “LegalTechTalk Uncovered” miniseries. Join me as I look back on our deep dive into the world of legal technology, bringing you exclusive content from Europe’s largest legal tech event, LegalTechTalk 2024.
Bradley Collins, CEO of LegalTechTalk, and his amazing team gave us exclusive access to record a 17-part live series, and I’m excited to share these insightful conversations with you. Whether you’re passionate about legal tech, interested in industry trends, or just curious about the future of law, this miniseries was for you!
We Shared:
🎙️ Exclusive Interviews: Industry leaders and innovators shaping the future of legal tech.
🌟 Event Highlights: First-hand excitement and energy from the event floor.
💡 Innovations and Insights: The latest trends, challenges, and breakthroughs in the legal industry.
Europe’s premier event for legal transformation took place at the Intercontinental O2 in London, in June 2024. With over 2,500 attendees, 300+ speakers, and 9,000+ meetings, it was a hub of innovation and collaboration. I was set up near the speaker interview area overlooking the Thames & Canary Wharf, right where the speakers exited the stage in the main foyer area. This visible and engaging location provided the perfect backdrop for lots of insightful conversations. 🗣️
Who Attended:
👔 In-house / Corporate leaders
⚖️ Law firm leaders
💡 LegalTech / Startups
🛠️ Solution providers
💼 Investors, Gov, Associations
About the Event:
📈 Legal is changing rapidly. Are you keeping up?
Legal professionals who want to be successful need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. LegalTechTalk was the place to learn about the latest innovations in legal technology and how you can use them to improve your practice.
As the host of the Legally Speaking Podcast powered by Clio – Cloud-Based Legal Technology, I loved taking the show on the road and meeting old and new faces, as well as fans of the show. This exclusive opportunity allowed us to catch behind-the-scenes insights from the leading voices in legal tech. From innovations to standout moments, we covered it all in our LegalTechTalk Uncovered Miniseries.
It was incredible to meet people from all over the world—USA, Singapore, the Nordics, Kenya, Australia, and more. The sense of community was simply brilliant, and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.
Thank you all for your support of the Legally Speaking Podcast™️. Our journey, which began in 2019 with just me in a room with a mic, has grown into a collaborative community that I’m proud of. Here’s to continuing our mission of building a legal community, adding value, and making a positive impact in the legal world.

LegalTechTalk Uncovered Ep 1 - Bradley Collins



Robert Hanna:
Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio. I’m your host, Rob Hanna. I am thrilled to take you behind the scenes at Europe’s largest legal tech event of the year, LegalTechTalk 2024.
Our Legally Speaking Podcast was given the exclusive access to record a 17-part live series at the conference. So every day over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to be diving deep into the innovations, challenges, and standout moments that are shaping the future of the legal industry. From insightful conversations with industry leaders to firsthand experiences from the event floor, we’ve got a lot in store for you.
So sit back, relax, enjoy, as we uncover the future of legal technology, the world of law, and lots more. Let’s get started. Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio.
Please introduce yourself.
Bradley Collins: Hi, I’m Bradley. I’m just organised this event that we’re at, LegalTechTalk.
Robert Hanna: You absolutely have, and I think you’ve done a fantastic job. But how have you found the experience?
Bradley Collins: It’s been insane, walking around, so many happy faces, so many smiling faces. And I’ve never had more people congratulate me in a day or two days than ever before. So it’s gone to plan. We did what we said we’re going to do. We, yeah, very happy.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and I think, you know, I’ve just had nothing but positive feedback from people. I think there’s been a real energy. I’ve spoke to people as far as Singapore, to the USA, India, Europe, you name it.
Bradley Collins: Australia.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, it’s been wild. It’s been absolutely wild.
And you’re absolutely taking a swig of beer at this point because you deserve it. Can you describe what the focus of the event’s been all about?
Bradley Collins: We are here to help drive positive change within a sector that could maybe do with a bit of positive change. So we’re called LegalTechTalk, but we’re not about LegalTech solely. We’ve got to think about the change that can happen with well-being and mental health and making a better place for people to work in, you know, access to justice. There’s so much good stuff that we can do for the world by bringing the whole industry together, putting in a bit of pressure on the industry to innovate in a good way. It scares some people, but the first question I asked on the stage yesterday was put your hand up if you’re scared by change and nobody put their hand up. I think some of them are, but everybody put their hand up when they said they’re excited by it and that’s pretty awesome. So we’re gonna build the biggest event in Europe. I think we’ve already done that and it’s just gonna get bigger and better, bring more cool people together. So it’s super exciting. We’re on the journey with everyone. I think we’re all on a journey together, which is nice.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, we are. We’re all doing good things for law, tech for good. And for people who haven’t been able to get here, but hopefully wanna get them a flavour, just describe the experience and what people can expect from coming to something like this.
Bradley Collins: I think if anyone switched on LinkedIn in the last day or two, I’ve been tagged in so many things that I can scroll for hours. It’s insane. They can see it all.
But we don’t see this as a business. Like I don’t, I’m not from the legal industry. I mean, I can do events, and I’ve been doing events in many other industries. So I think of it, I think about the people element when organising an event. You know, the small touches, making people happy.
Robert Hanna: Yeah.
Bradley Collins: People are so relaxed here. It doesn’t feel like you’re here to do business, but everybody’s doing business.
Robert Hanna: Yeah.
Bradley Collins: And it’s really cool.
Robert Hanna: I always say like, not selling is selling. Like come and be your authentic self, build that human connection. It’s no longer B to B, B to C, it’s H to H.
Bradley Collins: B to P, business to people, or people to people.
Robert Hanna: Or I call it H to H, human to human, right?
Bradley Collins: Yeah.
Robert Hanna: And I think if you can get that connection right, and I think a lot of people have, it’s brilliant. Okay, so what’s like a kind of challenge or issue you’ve seen in the legal sector, and how do you feel like this event really kind of supports that?
Bradley Collins: It’s an industry that has no incentive to innovate. When you charge by the hour, why do you want to invest in tech that makes you do things quicker?
Robert Hanna: Yeah.
Bradley Collins: But I think the business model will have to change because there will be alternative legal service providers, there’s startups that will compete with law firms, smaller law firms that innovate, so bigger law firms will then have to retaliate. Eventually, I see this all happening. And we want to be the place that puts pressure to make this happen, but it will happen. 
Robert Hanna: Yeah. 
Bradley Collins: It’s inevitable.
Robert Hanna: It will. And look, this is a mass operation, but has there been a standout moment for you?
Bradley Collins: A moment? Yeah, when everybody showed up.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, that’s true. You’ve had thousands of bodies through the door.
Bradley Collins: We had a 9 a.m. session, and the stage was empty, and we’re backstage, and then 9.05, we put the music on, and then the stage was completely full. And I was like, okay, that’s good. I can relax.
Robert Hanna: And look, you’ve been working on this for, well, a long time, so I’m genuinely pleased to you. And you’re obviously leading this ship, but you have a wonderful team. So would you like to give a shout out to the members of your team?
Bradley Collins: Yeah, first of all, Mikkel, my co-founder. He, if I could choose one person in the entire planet to be my co-founder, he’s the complete opposite to me. He works hard. He doesn’t sleep. His attention to detail. Like the experience that everybody had at this event here, okay, me and Joe were responsible for making the money so we could fund it all. But he made it all happen. Everything. Single-handedly. He does finance as well. He does accounting. He does marketing. He does website. He does, you name it. We need to build a team for him next year so he doesn’t do it all on his own. And Joe Dixon, she, her clients love her, and she has lots of them. Everyone on the team has been really amazing. Like Merlin and Charlie on the content team have come in and done a great job. Sonia, she’s been here for a little while, but has held us together the last couple of days. So yeah, they’ve all done a great job. Matilde, our intern, she’s been phenomenal.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, it’s been a real collaborative effort. And I’ve already been getting kind of glimpses from the team of like new ideas, things like the future of what LegalTechTalk looks like. This is the inaugural year. I think it’s been a fantastic hit. But what are the future plans and where can people go to find out more about LegalTechTalk?
Bradley Collins: Well, we’re right by the Thames. So next year, we’re gonna get a yacht. You can hire one.
Robert Hanna: Yep.
Bradley Collins: And we’re gonna do our evening fun there. We’re gonna take two floors of the venue rather than one. I mean, there’s a bit of the second floor we’ve used, but there’s a lot more that you haven’t seen. The third year, we’ll take the ground floor as well. We’ll get to 6,000 attendees in year three. I’m just following the blueprint of what I’ve been involved with before. It’s gonna be… Maybe we can build an event that’s bigger than all the American events in Europe, and then we’ll come for America afterwards.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, absolutely. Well, yeah.
Bradley Collins: Come for America. That sounds a bit aggressive, doesn’t it? No, we’ll go to America.
Robert Hanna: You’ll go to America. If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough, right? And I think this has been a tremendous event. I think it’s been great energy. And back to the, I always say little touch is big impact. You know, even for me as a podcast host here, you know, you’ve made sure that everything I asked for was delivered or if there were things that needed change, it was done instantly. So I think you really care about, everyone who comes here gets a great experience. And I feel like you’re going to get really good, positive feedback. And they’ll continue to be noise on LinkedIn and the social media for a good few weeks and months and maybe years to go. But from now, from all of us on the Legally Speaking Podcast, before you let you go, where can they go and find out more about you? Where’s the best website, social media handles?
Bradley Collins: Just hashtag LTT or LegalTechTalk24 or just message me. I like talking to people, that’s my favourite thing.
Robert Hanna: Message Bradley over on LinkedIn. Bradley, it’s been a pleasure, but from now, from all of us on the Legally Speaking Podcast, over and out.
Bradley Collins: Thank you, thank you very much.
Robert Hanna: Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. If you like the content here, why not check out our world leading content and collaboration hub, the Legally Speaking Club over on Discord, go to our website, for the link to join our community there. Over and out!

LegalTechTalk Uncovered Ep 2 - Lucie Cruz


Get to grips with legal compliance and AI with Lucie Cruz, the Senior Reporter on Tech and AI at The Lawyer. In this episode, we discussed what Lucie’s focusing on right now, including the evolution of AI and its implications for the legal sector.  

Tune in to find out more about future-proofing your AI adoption.  

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Don’t forget to join our Discord community where we connect with like-minded people, share resources, and continue the conversation from this episode. 

Sponsored by Clio – the #1 legal software for clients, cases, billing and more!💻 


Robert Hanna: Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio. Please introduce yourself. 
Lucie Cruz: Hi, I’m Lucie Cruz. I’m a senior reporter at The Lawyer covering tech and AI.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and you do a wonderful job. You know, I’ve been a big fan of yours, and we’ve known each other in the online world for a long time, but it’s nice to do this in person at this conference in real life. But how are you finding it?
Lucie Cruz: It’s amazing. The highlight so far is that I’m currently sat with the Legally Speaking Podcast baseball cap on my head, on baseball cap.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and people will see photos of this on the socials at some point. And I just say, I think it absolutely suits you.
Lucie Cruz: I suit a hat. I’m rocking it.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, I think we’re going to have to get them all for The Lawyer. It seems to work very well. It’s like molded your head nicely.Yeah, it’s perfect, actually.
Lucie Cruz: Thank you.
Robert Hanna: I’m gutted we didn’t get you to do the modeling on the website, actually, but the way it fits, it looks good.
Lucie Cruz: It’s never too late.
Robert Hanna: It’s never too late. When we do season nine release, we can introduce you on to that. Okay, can you describe what you’re focusing on at the moment?
Lucie Cruz: At the moment, I’m focusing on the different challenges around tech and AI for both law firms and in-house counsel, and they are so widespread that it’s almost hard to know where to focus. So at the moment, I’m getting a full lay of the land, which is really why I’m here. Booth hopping, talk hopping, it’s sort of a great place to be able to do that.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and you’re a wonderful networker and community person as well. And I know you’ve been at a number of other events, and I think it’s great that you’re putting yourself out there. You know, I love what you’re doing. I think your reporting is fantastic as well. What are, you know, with all of these things that are happening, people are trying to disrupt, people are trying to innovate in legal, people are trying to do progressive things. What are some of the challenges you’ve seen in the legal sector? And, you know, how are you or people that you know within the organizations going about addressing these specifically? Any examples you would give?
Lucie Cruz: It’s a tough one, right? Because I think generally the way people see it outside of the industry is that legal has been slow to adapt to the whole technology wave. And now that GenAI has come about, it’s having to go a lot quicker. So it’s interesting to see. And I think in the future, how law firms are dealing with that, like, are they adapting quickly? Which ones are going to make or break in this sort of situation?
Robert Hanna: Yeah. 
Lucie Cruz: I think the biggest challenge is how you plug in data in things that definitely need tight guardrails. So what I’m hearing is that depending on how much data you have and how good it is really widely affects the quality of the tools you’re inputting. And that’s why I’m here to find out how the different legal tech providers are handling that and challenging that, because that’s the main thing that we want as lawyers, right, is to make sure we’re accurate, but not opening up to risks.
Robert Hanna: Well, that’s it, isn’t it? You’ve got to be compliant. You’ve got to control your lines with regulations. You’ve got to make sure you’re also, you know, but also, you know, making sure that you’re taking the steps and not being ignorant. And I think it’s great that so many organisations and law firms and people are here today to get the knowledge to then go away and apply it. I think not everyone’s expecting to get this right. Absolutely. Because everything’s so fast paced and changing at the speed of light. I think the main thing is people are actually taking action and actually lifting their head above the parapet and thinking there is a lot that still needs to be done. I love the fact that you’re a journalist that gets on the ground, right? And you come out and meet people. I can just see you know everyone around the conference. There’s a great energy. Unless someone has literally been living under a rock, can you tell us a little bit more about The Lawyer?
Lucie Cruz: So The Lawyer is a legal magazine, or at least it used to be a magazine and now we’re entirely digital. So you might have had our red magazines on your desk in the past, but now we’re a completely digital product. And we usually cover legal news and financial news to do with the legal industry across different beats, so corporate and litigation. And now I am launching Tech and AI.
Robert Hanna: Ah, that’s gonna be super exciting. And I love everything that you’re doing. What’s been a standout moment for you thus far at LegalTechTalk?
Lucie Cruz: For me, it’s been hearing about the different use cases of Gen AI. It’s phenomenal how many there are. And I think that’s going to be really interesting for lawyers especially to come here and see how many possibilities there are. I think people have in their head maybe a sort of 10 or 20 ideas, and they don’t realise that there are hundreds. And they’re just waiting for the right one to land on their doorstep.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, I still get giddy about the potential of this. And actually you really do need to come to these conferences and embrace the knowledge and then go away and implement because Gen AI is just still getting started. This is the worst it’s ever gonna be as of today. So you passport this to LegalTechTalk Year 10. This is gonna be crazy what we’re gonna be doing. There’ll definitely be an augmentation of myself or something talking to you. That’s for sure. So what are the future plans for The Lawyer? And where can people find out more about you and The Lawyer? Feel free to shout out any websites, any social media handles. We’ll also share them in this episode for you too.
Lucie Cruz: Yeah, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. I definitely recommend it because I do post many posts all about tech and AI. We also have an Instagram, The Lawyer Mag, and The Lawyer website is You can get lots of information, not just on legal news, but now on sort of what’s going on in the industry and in financials so.
Robert Hanna: There you go, folks. Go and check it out. Lucie, thank you so much for sharing the mics with me in person at an awesome conference, the inaugural LegalTechTalk. But for now, from all of us on the Legally Speaking Podcast, over and out.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. If you like the content here, why not check out our world leading content and collaboration hub, The Legally Speaking Club over on Discord. Go to our website, for the link to join our community there. Over and out.

LegalTechTalk Uncovered Ep 3 - Chris O'Day


Get a sneak peek at the legal finance sector with Chris O’Day, the CEO at The Cashroom. In this episode, he shared his insights on how legal tech is improving efficiency and minimising risk across the industry.  

Tune in to find out more about the future of legal finance.  

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Don’t forget to join our Discord community where we connect with like-minded people, share resources, and continue the conversation from this episode. 

Sponsored by Clio – the #1 legal software for clients, cases, billing and more!💻 


Robert Hanna: Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio. Please introduce yourself.
Chris O’Day: Hi, my name is Chris O’Day. I’m Chief Executive Officer at The Cashroom, and I’m delighted to be here joining Robert today.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, it’s great to meet you in person again. I know we met a little while ago, actually, up near where I relocated to at Ribby Hall Village, where we have an event taking place. How are you finding this conference so far?
Chris O’Day: It’s been great, actually. Obviously, the first time they’ve ran this conference. And the whole vibe, it’s very positive. Lots of disruptors here in LegalTech. And there’s just a great vibe here on the day.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and people can sense the energy, probably from this recording as well. Here are all the people around us, buzzing around, networking, meeting. I love coming to these sort of in-person, getting that human connection buzz going. Can you briefly describe your focus over at The Cashroom?
Chris O’Day: Yeah, so at Cashroom, we provide a full outsourced finance function to law firms. And really what we’re doing is we’re bringing a tech-enabled focus to that and developing our own technology as well as working with all of the practice management systems, being system agnostic. So we work with whichever systems our clients use. And it’s really about enabling law firms to get the best out of the technology that’s available to streamline that finance function, which is often a big pain point for a lot of firms.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and again, I’ve been speaking to a lot of people at this whole conference around, everyone has these visions, everyone has these goals, everyone’s embracing technology in some capacity, hence why they’re here today. But it’s never straightforward. And there are challenges and these need to be overcome. So what’s been the main challenge or challenges you’ve identified specifically in the legal sector and how are you really getting to the bottom and addressing them?
Chris O’Day: Yeah, so at Cashroom, being focused on the finance function for law firms, as you know, there’s a heck of a lot of money that goes through lawyers’ client accounts or trust accounts across the world. And compliance and risk is a massive problem there for a lot of law firms. And really what we are trying to do is bring the best use of technology to maximise efficiency within that function, while minimising risk and ultimately ensuring compliance.
So things like open banking technology and features like confirmation of PE, which we’ve just launched within our portal, really are adding layers of security to payment processes where there’s billions of pounds flowing through law firms that is a real risk area. And the more we can do to use technology to improve that risk profile, then the better for everyone generally, not just across the profession, but across general public who are consumers of legal services ultimately.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, it’s 360, isn’t it? And it’s a great example of what I call tech for good, you know, and what you’re thinking about. And, you know, there are so many things when it comes to risk, compliance, and people get a little bit scary, but I love how you kind of simplify this and how you really partner with the law firms as well. I know it’s a little bit early days into the conference, but has there been a standout moment for you thus far or something that’s really stuck in your mind?
Chris O’Day: I think standout moment is just really seeing all of the different suppliers who are here. And as you mentioned, seeing the energy and the innovation and the disruption and the transformation that’s going on in the legal sector. There’s a lot of suppliers here who I wasn’t aware of. I’m coming across for the first time. And obviously AI is the big buzzword at the minute. And it’s fascinating to see the journey that is going on with AI generally and how different businesses are adopting that specific to the legal sector and the advancements that’s going to bring.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, I don’t think I’ll do an interview over the entire miniseries where AI isn’t discussed because it’s so prevalent. And we are in this new revolution. I love that organisations like yourself are at the cutting edge of that and you’re putting yourself in the right spaces and getting yourself out there. And even me who likes to think I’m in the legal community, I’m learning of new suppliers and new things that are happening. And that’s the benefit of coming out and getting live in these conferences as well. Where can people find out more about Cashroom? Where’s the best website, social media handles, best way for them to get in touch? Feel free to shout them out.
Chris O’Day: Yeah, so we’re on LinkedIn. You’ll see a lot of content going out within LinkedIn. You can visit our website at And we will also be out and about at various conferences, including yours, in a few weeks, Rob. Looking forward to that one.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, absolutely. We’re super excited for the first ever Great Big Legal Offsite on July the 3rd. Super, super pumped for that. But Chris, it’s been great having you on the show. Loving what you’re doing at Cashroom. And you’re kindly supporting us over there at that event as well. Wishing you lots of continued success. But for now, from all of us on show, over and out.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. If you like the content here, why not check out our world leading content and collaboration hub, The Legally Speaking Club, over on Discord. Go to our website, for the link to join our community there.
Over and out!

LegalTechTalk Uncovered Ep 4 - Helen Pamely


Explore life as a LegalTechTalk speaker with Helen Pamely, a panellist at the event and the Founder of her own consultancy and public speaking firm. In this episode she gave us a snapshot of the power of connections, including how her own network has propelled her growth as an entrepreneur.  

Tune in to find out more about changing mindsets as you more from employee to founder.  

Join us on your favourite podcast streaming app! 

Don’t forget to join our Discord community where we connect with like-minded people, share resources, and continue the conversation from this episode. 

Sponsored by Clio – the #1 legal software for clients, cases, billing and more!💻 


Robert Hanna: Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio. Please introduce yourself.
Helen Pamely: Hi, so I’m Helen Pamely, former law firm partner, former Magic Circle lawyer. I’m now a coach. I coach lawyers to reach the top without burning out.That means making partnership, beyond partnership, and also building their personal brands.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and you do a tremendous job, it has to be said. How are you finding the conference and how did you find your speaker session?
Helen Pamely: I’m absolutely loving it. It’s amazing, because I feel like there’s so many people who I already know through LinkedIn, through various different networks, and everyone is here in one place, and that’s just so exciting. And on my panel, I was so lucky, because I had Liz Rimmer, CEO of LawCare, I had Jodie Hill, who’s Managing Partner of her law firm, absolutely incredible panel. And it’s just incredible, the energy here, and I think the movement for change in the sector.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and you’re absolutely at the forefront of that. And I really enjoyed your talk. And I think it was really practical, tactical advice you were all giving. Loved it. Can you describe what you’re briefly focusing on at the moment?
Helen Pamely: I think the main thing that I’m really focusing on, it’s almost come up by accident, really, in what I do. And it’s helping lawyers reach their potential. But that means going for partnership, it means beyond partnership. It could be even doing something different. It could be that they want to build their own sort of consultancy or something like that. And within that, it’s building their brand. Because these days, I think what we’re seeing is it’s the era of the personal brand. It wasn’t that long ago that you went to a big firm and you relied on your firm’s brand to be able to bring in business, to be successful. These days, it’s your personal brand. It makes you so much more foolproof for your career. Because what it means is that even when there are downturns, if there are layoffs, it doesn’t matter. Because people buy into you, you have your own client base, you have your own network, and that’s just so empowering.
Robert Hanna: And I’m all about empowering lawyers to reach their potential, but also do it in a way that works for them. And I think that’s what’s so powerful about the personal brand. Yeah, and obviously you’ve got a phenomenal personal brand. And like you were saying there, I say it’s your biggest asset, and it’s also your biggest insurance policy, whatever the weather. And yeah, I think it’s just undoubtedly the best thing you could be investing in on free platforms as well, where you can get your messaging out. And yeah, as I say, I think you’re doing a great job. What are the key challenges you’ve found in the legal sector, and how are you going about addressing them?
Helen Pamely: I mean, gosh, we have so many challenges, and I feel like I work in a few different camps on this one. I think on a sort of broader level, as you well know, Rob, I’m really passionate about mental health, wellbeing, and changing the sector from sort of a grassroots level, so that we can be a better place for lawyers long-term, you know, leading fulfilling, happier careers, not burning out, not suffering from mental health issues. And that’s something I talk about very widely. That’s kind of, you know, the bigger picture of what I do and where I’m coming from, from a values perspective. From a sort of work perspective or more pure work, I’m really looking to, what the problems I see is that lawyers want to be successful, they want to be big, whatever that looks like for them, but they don’t know how. Maybe they’re afraid to put themselves out there. They’re afraid to speak up. They’re afraid to find their own voice, to start posting, to start engaging. And they don’t know how to even start talking to people at networking events. You know, it’s that whole thing of actually, how do I move from an employee mindset to an entrepreneur mindset? You know, how can I shift into this space where I’m taking control of everything and building what I want to create? It takes confidence. It takes strategy. It takes intention. And I think that’s the sort of shift which people struggle with. It’s totally doable, but they’re just not knowing quite how to do it.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and obviously that’s where you come in. And I always say, everyone has a value. Everyone has a story to tell. And so don’t be sort of, you know, put off by just starting. I think a large part of this is getting out of that mental block in terms of, oh, I’m not sure. Actually, just starting and getting better is so important because it’s not perfect brand, it’s personal brand. And so again, as you evolve, your personal brand can evolve. Okay, what’s been a standout moment for you at the conference?
Helen Pamely: Oh my gosh, do you know, there’s been so many standout moments. I think honestly for me, coming back to this point of networks is community. It’s the fact that I can’t walk 10 meters here without bumping into someone else who I know or who knows me. Maybe we already know each other quite well. Maybe we’ve just seen each other on LinkedIn. And that’s amazing. I think there is this incredible legal community and it’s just about putting yourself out there, as you just said, becoming part of it. And it is amazing the opportunities that come out of it, the friends and just the incredible career and time you can have.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, honestly, community is so, so powerful. I think people are starting to see the value of that. And today is a great testament of that. I’ve really enjoyed the energy throughout the day. I’m gonna enjoy following your journey and supporting your journey. So where can people find out more about you? What have you been getting up to in the future in terms of future plans? Feel free to shout out on your social media handles, any website links as well. We’ll share them in this episode for you too.
Helen Pamely: Yeah, thanks so much. I mean, there’s my website, which is I’m Helen Pamely on LinkedIn, on Instagram, but I take the main places LinkedIn. I really do speak my mind. I speak up about all sorts of industry issues and it’s a wonderful community. And it’s probably because everything with me is moving so quickly. The best pace to sort of stay with me on my journey as well and hopefully I can stay with you as well, and Rob, I love all the stuff you do as well. I think we’re just so aligned on the mental health stuff. So it’s great to be here and thanks for this conversation.
Robert Hanna: It’s been great to have you finally, Helen. We managed to make it happen and in person.
Helen Pamely: Amazing.
Robert Hanna: For now, from all of us on the Legally Speaking Podcast, wishing you lots of continued success. But for now, over and out.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. If you like the content here, why not check out our world leading content and collaboration hub, the Legally Speaking Club over on Discord. Go to our website, for the link to join our community there.
Over and out!

LegalTechTalk Uncovered Ep 5 - Patricia Gannon


Discover the importance of connection in the legal industry with Patricia Gannon, the Founder & CEO at Platforum 9. In this episode, she shared the struggles that particularly younger lawyers face as they create connections across the sector. 

Tune in to find out more about creating and using digital communication channels in your firm.  

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Robert Hanna: Welcome to the Legally Speaking Podcast, LegalTechTalk Uncovered mini-series powered by Clio. Please introduce yourself.
Patricia Gannon: Hi there, I’m Patricia Gannon, and I’m the Founder at Platforum9.
Robert Hanna: A super exciting platform we’re going to dive into, but firstly, how are you finding the conference?
Patricia Gannon: Love it. I have to say, it has more than met my expectation. I’ve been talking to Bradley about this for over a year, and the day has finally come when he has broken the glass ceiling on how to do a LegalTech conference.
Robert Hanna: Very high praise and well-deserved high praise, and people will be able to hear from the background noise. The buzz that’s in the air from this conference has to be said. Can you describe briefly what you do?
Patricia Gannon: I’ve just built a social audio app for the legal profession. So essentially, we are looking at an interactive podcast type product. It’s an app that lawyers have on their phone, that helps them connect with each other around the practice area and issues that matter to them.
Robert Hanna: And you know I’ve been a fan and following your journey from sort of start to where you are. And I think this is going to be absolutely huge and I’m excited by it, because I think there’s a real need for this. And you also bring a good community element to the tech that you’re providing. But anyone trying to build anything, there’s always a challenge. So, you know, what’s been the sort of challenge you’ve identified specifically within the legal sector and how are you going about addressing it?
Patricia Gannon: I think connectivity and communication. I think access to events like this for younger lawyers. There’s a massive amount of vulnerability out there as they, you know, working remotely, intergenerational challenges, influx of technology. I think there’s a huge need to be connected, to be part of a community, and to find a really effective way of connecting over topics that matter to you. Live interactive sessions, having your voice, having a safe space to speak to each other, getting interesting content that will give you a competitive edge as a lawyer.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and again, you know, I feel like it’s just not there at the moment and what you are producing is, quite frankly, the most innovative forward thinking and way to connect people. So I always talk about the power of community and this human to human connection. It’s not B2B, it’s not B2C, and that’s undoubtedly what you’re gonna be able to do on terms of Platforum9. What’s been kind of a standout moment for you thus far, being at this conference, anything that’s particularly stood out to you?
Patricia Gannon: Well, I just said it to Bradley when I came in this morning. The fact that we had live music coming up the stairs, we already had a really different vibe. I think there’s an energy here that is different to anything I’ve seen. I’ve done the IBA, the International Bar Association, all of my life. I’ve been to multitudes of conferences, which is why when I see one, that’s more like a tech event. It is legal tech, obviously, but it’s around legal topics as well. This is something that sort of stands out for me.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, and it’s all the richer for having you here. And it’s great that we finally been able to meet in person. I know it’s been a long, long time. What are your future plans then with Platforum9?
Patricia Gannon: Well, yeah, we’re sorry to interrupt, but we’re nearly there. We’re in the App Store. We’re beta testing this summer with select law firms and lawyers who’ve been on the waiting list for a while. If somebody had told me like building anything in tech, takes double the time and double the money, now I know it for sure, but we’re ready to rock. We’re going to be beta testing during the summer. We look forward to anybody download at We have a free waiting list. We welcome everybody with your ideas.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, absolutely. And I guess in terms of other social media handles or where people can find you specifically, or if they’ve got a question about Platforum9, what’s the best way for them to get in touch?
Patricia Gannon: Just get down to me at LinkedIn. I’m not anywhere else really.
Robert Hanna: Yeah, well, there you go. Simple as that, Patricia Gannon on LinkedIn. It’s been so nice to finally record with you in person. Talk about what you’re getting up to. But for now, from all of us on the Legally Speaking Podcast, over and out.
Thank you for listening to this week’s episode. If you like the content here, why not check out our world leading content and collaboration hub, the Legally Speaking Club over on Discord. Go to our website, for the link to join our community there.
Over and out.

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