
November 7, 2022

All Posts
Joanna Hughes

Legally Speaking Blog on Solicitor Apprenticeships

Joanna Hughes is a qualified lawyer who worked an international law firm as a lawyer and social mobility advocate for a couple of decades before setting up a new company, Joanna Hughes Solicitor Apprenticeships, to offer advice to law firms and in-house legal teams who wish to set up this route into the legal profession. You can learn more about Joanna and her business at! Solicitor apprenticeships are making the news: The Lawyer is running a mini-series on them,

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Season 6
Rob Hanna

Be THAT Lawyer – Steve Fretzin – S6E10

Finding a way to demystify the most challenging elements of growing a sustainable law practice? Here’s what they didn’t teach you in law school… 😉 This week, we had the absolute pleasure of chatting to premier coach, skills trainer and business development for attorneys keynote speaker, Steve Fretzin! Steve has devoted the last 18 years of his career to helping lawyers master their business goals so that they can flourish and go on to develop a successful law practice. As well as

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